Tuesday 3 December 2013


Beauty is high maintenance. She is demanding, fickle and temperamental. She can be strong or weak. If you work with her and tend to her fragile needs, she will reward you. If, however, you decide to ignore her, you can lose her forever. There is nothing more heartbreaking to me than beauty wasted. How wonderful that a little bit of extra care and attention, that a small amount of grooming, can transform a face, a body, a person. The confidence you can receive from swapping your worn out loafers for a pair of shiny black stilettos is astounding. By elevating in inches you elevate in status. Your walk changes, your whole body changes, and with it so does your impression of yourself. Stop denying yourself the privilege of being beautiful! Make your hair look like it has seen a hairbrush and your skin feel as though it is akin to satin. With just a small thought for your appearance you can transform everything around you. Whether we want it to be or not, beauty is of the utmost importance to us all. It is an instantaneous reaction. It is an instinct. Men and women; you are equally guilty. To turn from your beauty is self destructive. To knowingly and consciously deny beauty through sloth or indifference is an unforgivable and utter waste. Beauty is a gift; do not squander it.